LG : Flexible 18-Inch Display Concept

LG builds a concept of screen or TV that you can fold it like a poster. The main feature of this product of LG is that it is flexible. Korean electronics manufacture delineates new type of flexible screen and main features are,

  • Ultra Slim

  • Rolls Up like Poster

  • Flexible Display

  • 18-Inch OLED Panels

  • 1200 * 800 Resolution





Not only these features, this display of LG is relatively large and it can be rolled into a tube to a radius of just 3 cm without affecting the screen at all.



In the technology world, it is not first transparent screen or display concept , but it would have tremendous impact on people in future. LG says, “Flexible display concept is achieved an impressive 30% transmittance which is shake up from past transparent LCD screen”. With this speed up, viewers of this concept display are able to see things behind this screen more incontrovertibly, which can be helpful in many whereabouts.





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  1. yes, loves this 18inch LED. this is really cool designed..
    i will buy it soon..

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  2. The technology adds an organic compound layer that allows not only for exceedingly thin screens, but for those displays to be curved. The organic material also emits its own light, eliminating the need for a backlight. 

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