iPhone : Flexible Bracelet Concept

For years, Apple is trying to maintain and do anything or everything to maintain its status or standard in the market by bringing new technology in the market and more searches on the future concept that will be  much-desired fantasy items.


Apple is trying to take us to the next level of  iPhone design, Apple is thinking to bring the concept of flexible bracelet in the market to maintain the status of an innovative brand.


This concept of Apple must be  possible , it is truly revolutionary and awesome technology that will strongly compete the U.S. brand appear infrequently. Other brands will taking time to bring out this concept in the market, because marketers do not foresee high demand on the futuristic solutions for their customers .

In the external form the flexible transparent mobile like bracelet can guess the iPhone with its unique interface. However, the creators of the concept was not only deciding  to contact Apple and has given the name of a work X Phone. The smartphone boasts a crystal-clear flexible display, that folds out to form a closed shape according to wrist of humans.


Prototypes of these components (e.g. iPhone Flexible bracelet) exhibit regularly at major exhibitions such companies as Sony, LG and Samsung. However, in the market only curved mobiles of Samsung come out, but not flexible displays. It is a pity,because these toys or mobiles certainly would enjoy demand of their customer with reasonable price,of course.


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