Gigafactory: A Dream Come True for Many

Gigafactory: A Dream Come True for Many

The future is here now, with a lithium-ion battery factory being constructed in the deserts of Nevada. This is an electric revolution which is like a dream come true for Elon Musk. This creation of electric cars is much needed and Gigfaactory is worth the hype it has received in the recent years. The true name of this factory is Tesla Gigafactory, it is a $5 billion factory of stupendous proportions. This is going to be the largest building in the world after its completion in 2020. Under construction in an area of 5.8 million square feet, the entire concept blows me away every time I read about it. Musk has already unveiled a Tesla Model 3 car costing around $35,000 and it received more than 325,000 pre-orders already. The car is yet to be out for sale but the demand of the customers has raised the pressure amongst the producers and they are currently hoping to produce half a million cars per year. These cars use electric batteries which are charged by various charging stations developed by Tesla. However, Tesla is also up for producing electric trucks and buses too.   Why Gigafactory? During the unveiling of the product, Elon was asked questions such as how will they manage to produce batteries as per the demand? Well, this is the time when the Gigafactory will help. This factory has the power to double the world’s production of lithium ion batteries. These batteries would produce 35GWh of power which would probably be higher as 150GWh. Musk also revealed that they are planning to construct these Gigafactories in countries between Europe to China. This is an automotive revolution and is going to make Tesla a worldwide phenomenon. Current Scenario: Currently, only 20 percent of the Gigafactory is accomplished with parts such as the building site and assembling section ready for use. The entire setup will be 100 percent sustainable as it would be running on solar power, thus making it environment-friendly. The Gigafactory has more than 1000 people working round the clock to make the project a success. The very first battery from the factory is expected to be out by next year. This place is going to be a revolution for the future where most of the work is done by autonomous machines and humans just keep an eye on the happenings and check whether the machines are responding well or not. You will be delighted to hear that the Gigafactory is already two years ahead of its schedule and is going to start making serious money very soon. The project was started back in 2014 and has been...

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LED Ceiling Lights by Seo Dong-Hun

LED Ceiling Lights by Seo Dong-Hun

LED Ceiling Lights is an amazing concept created by Seo Dong-Hun. This Led Ceiling light isn’t any musical symphony nor do you have any creativity in painting and art. Literally, we can paint our ceiling with light into a magical landscape of color LEDs, that brighten up with our wrist. Moreover, draw the light with clusters of LEDs take command from this “light brush” with hands which is in the diagram. Furthermore, sparkle and set with your...

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Airblow Will Release The Concept Of An Invisible Umbrella In 2050

Airblow Will Release The Concept Of An Invisible Umbrella In 2050

    If you want to fight and you are tired of fighting wind with your textile umbrella shields on a rainy day and this umbrella is hard to hold it, so that it will not go inverted.     Now You will be glad to hear about the Airblow 2050 that is futuristic and invisible umbrella concept.     Quentin Debaene  is the French desinger of this future airblow 2050 umbrella concpet and he has recently received a nomination for the James Dyson Award.     Unlike usual textile umbrella shields , the  Airblow 2050 concept uses a powerful stream of air to cover you from the heavy rain that other umbrellas are not able to do this very well.     Dyson motor  is powerful motor and it can silently draw in and it push out air in that speeds that will keep its owner of Airblow 2050 umbrella from being hit by the rain.     Airblow 2050 umbrella is currently just a concept of future umbrella, through it is planned to be available in the market before 2050....

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Futuristic Electrolux Bio Robot Refrigerator

Futuristic Electrolux Bio Robot Refrigerator

Electrolux Design Lab holds annual competitions with others for creating home appliances or gadgets with a fresh theme each year. Electrolux Design Labe is ready to give a new design to present household appliances or gadget that would be used in 2050,  which would not only save on space but would also be save  energy efficient.  Yuriy Dmitriev is a  student from Russia came out with the concept of the Bio Robot Refrigerator or Bio Polymer Refrigerator in which luminescence is used to cool the biopolymer gel and thus keep the food  and fruits cold. Features Of Futuristic Electrolux Bio Polymer or Robot Refrigerator 1. The process of work of Electrolux Bio Robot Refrigerator does not require expenditure of energy for cooling products.     2. Design Feature :-  The size of this refrigerator is 4 times smaller than the conventional refrigerator, Electrolux Bio Polymer can change its shape  depending on the intensity of its use. It becomes more or less depending on the number of products that it will be contain.   3. You can place products in this refrigerator without shelves and door and also you can place it vertically and horizontally.  4. Biopolymer gel by touch as polythene is not sticky and it has no smell.     5. Electrolux Bio Robot Refrigerator has high density storage, and its volume is used as efficiently as possible.     6. Products in this refrigerator are easily accessible.   7. Completely silent operation, no moving  part.     The biopolymer gel of Electrolux Bio Robot Refrigerator which is non-sticky. The food items are inserted into this gel of refrigerator which creates separate pods in the process of encapsulating the food items.  The design of this refrigerator looks very surreal and contains no shelves and also no drawers or doors  and the Bio Robot Refrigerator cools all the individual food items  or products according to the optimal temperature.  Biopolymer get is one single piece of green gel that is contained in a frame of robot refrigerator and is four times smaller than the size of a regular refrigerator.  ...

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Green Smart Glass : A small refrigerator

Green Smart Glass : A small refrigerator

In a futuristic world, interesting technology has been came in the market in the form of utensils like tumbler, cup or a glass called the Green Smart Glass. As we see ample number of people wait for their hot drinks to cool down for a nick span of time to drink. However, if they were use Green Smart Glass, then the heat loss process would be harnessed into an energy form the hot beverage and stores it to be used later. Moreover, whole technical details revealed in the images, for you to ponder on. This glass concept is proposed by designer “Ruan Chengzhu”.     Futhermore, this Green Smart Glass is basically a refrigerated insulated mug which is powered by absorbing heat. This mug is designed to convert this kind of loss of heat absorbed ny the thermoelectic semiconductoe material on the inner wall if mug into electricity. Overall, by this we can make better use of energy for the protection of the environment....

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Five Technological Advancements that are Ready to Shape the World

Five Technological Advancements that are Ready to Shape the World

  Technology is constantly growing and now it has touched almost every part of the human lives. The advancements which were only existent in the science fiction have now turned into reality. There has been a noticeable move in the technology in a prodigious number of sectors including transportation, health care, and space exploration. So here we present five such advancements which are already in the market but not so popular yet.   Asap Dash: Can you imagine your life without your smart phone? It has become such a necessity and has replaced dozens of other gadgets including a watch, camera, alarm clocks, recipe books, encyclopedias and a lot more. Asap Dash is the world’s swiftest battery pack with the power to charge an iPhone to 100% in 5 minutes. It charges 16x faster as compared to the standard power banks available. It has 1200 battery life cycles with 5000 mAH and weighs less than 180g which makes it fit every pocket easily. Isn’t it amazing?   Rocket Book Wave Notebook: This is actually a magic book for a layman. It is a notebook which provides the liberty of a conventional pen and paper notebook while letting you save all the notes into the cloud with the help of your smartphone. To add a cherry on the top, you can easily erase the notes using your microwave if you use Pilot Friction pens to write. This takes the same time as making a coffee in the microwave. You can easily reuse the notebook and have your notes saved in the cloud.   Cicret Bracelet: Since smart phones have become an essential part of life, the makers of this bracelet thought of letting you have your smart phone all the time without carrying it in your pockets. It is a working prototype. It works via motion sensing system on your wrist with the help of pico projector. You can actually have your smart phone on your arm while bathing, driving, or traveling. You can attend calls, send emails and do anything you wish to with the help of this magic bracelet.It comes in both 16 GB and 32 GB size and is available in 10 colors.   Pulse Band A6: This band acts like your very own health advisor. It is an intuitive, intelligent and a cost effective solution for a better lifestyle and healthy habits. It acts as a heart rate tracker, workout intensity tracker and optimises your health. It can also be synced with your smart phone and give you the important notifications from the phone. This smart band has a battery life of 10 days and records...

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