iPod’s Future : iBangle MP3 Player Gadget

I hope you like this gadget of Apple that is iBangle MP3 Player of iPod’s future…..

The Future of MP3 Players: The iBangle

Do you love music?
Do you love keeping up with the latest technology?
There is a product that satisfies both these wishes.
The new iBangle

Gopinath Prasana, the designer of the iBangle calls his design ‘The Future’, which it is indeed. It is essentially an MP3 player, but it is a step further than the iPod. It has a sleek and ultra modern design and is in the shape of a bangle, as the name suggests. You can think of it as a wearable and much easier to use iPod.
The Features
The device-cum-fashion-accessory is a thin aluminum bracelet with a multi-function trackpad. The iBangle has a menu to explore the remote in-ear earphones. To control this menu, you can slide your fingers on the menu, tap one to choose the relevant option and press on the apple icon to go to the home section.


The primary functions of the iBangle MP3 player are:

Intuitive Volume Control: You can slide your fingers over the touch surface and control the volume.

Lock Function: The lock capacity will help you to bolt the ring from unintentional charges. Curve your ring finger to press the two elastic cushions.

Skip/Pause/Play Control: To use this feature, you can tap the Apple symbol on the middle of play, and stop.





The most impressive feature of the Apple iBangle is its inflatable ring pad. To accomplish the ideal fit on anyone’s and everyone’s wrist, a pad inside the ring blows up to fit your wrist. The device holds an Air in/out switch, which is rises for the direct air chamber inside the bangle. The air chamber gets larger as the air is pumped, due to which it fits impeccably on your wrist.

The iBangle also has numerous other features, like music equalizers, mix tunes, and so on. There are distinctive equalizers like rock, jazz, pop, et cetera.

The iBangle, though, is just a concept for the moment, but Apple is certainly taking into account the attention that it has sparked. The Apple ibangle release date is not yet confirmed. There have been speculations about the ibangle price but nothing concrete has emerged. It would certainly slot into the market with ease even though the design goes back to 2008. The brand is not rushing into the wearable technology industry yet, but when they do arrive at it, would be a grand entry of ibangle in apple store and might ibangle sale will be available on “amazon and ebay”, hopefully with the launch of the iBangle.






iBangle MP3 Player is the concept or design of Gopinath Prasana that is his vision of iPod’s future MP3 and this device in the future, become dam close to becoming jewellery.  iBangle MP3 gadget features a multi touch track pad for you to enjoy music. iBangle Apple MP Player is easily fit on your wrist and it looks very unique and attractive.

Functions of iBanlge MP3 Player :-

1. Intuitive Volume Control

2. Lock Function

3. Skip/Pause/Play Control








Author: admin

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