Green Smart Glass : A small refrigerator

In a futuristic world, interesting technology has been came in the market in the form of utensils like tumbler, cup or a glass called the Green Smart Glass. As we see ample number of people wait for their hot drinks to cool down for a nick span of time to drink. However, if they were use Green Smart Glass, then the heat loss process would be harnessed into an energy form the hot beverage and stores it to be used later. Moreover, whole technical details revealed in the images, for you to ponder on. This glass concept is proposed by designer “Ruan Chengzhu”.



Futhermore, this Green Smart Glass is basically a refrigerated insulated mug which is powered by absorbing heat. This mug is designed to convert this kind of loss of heat absorbed ny the thermoelectic semiconductoe material on the inner wall if mug into electricity. Overall, by this we can make better use of energy for the protection of the environment.


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