iPhone 7 Coming In 2016

Till date, Apple has launched a series of iPhone’s that has made tremendous impact on life style of people. Now time has come for another addition to the series,  iPhone 7.  Apple has announced iPhone 6 in September 2014 and now we are almost halfway through 2015, it might look like iPhone 6 only just emerged. Apple don’t wait so much to introduce their new product in the market and it will launch iPhone 7 very soon in the market.

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iPhone 7 Features

When iPhone 7 will come out,  what new features can we expect  in the next iPhone?

  • 4.7 inch phone
  • iPhone 7 would not be fat phone
  • Battery life may be little better
  • High screen resolution
  • Dual lens camera
  • 3D screen

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iPhone 7 Specifications

  • Memory could be 256 GB or unlimited, you never know
  • According to anecdote, iPhone 7 is expected to have inbuilt projector
  • Support for 4G connectivity

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Author: admin

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