Marketplace : One Roof Platform for Mobile APP Marketing

A Complete Guide on Mobile App Marketing

The marketplace is nowadays crammed with over millions of apps. Marketing your newly built app can be a daunting task but knowing about the right ways to achieve your goal can help you stay calm. With the increasing competition, it has become fierce to place your app to the top of the list.


The competition to get your app placed on the top of the list is fierce. However, if your app is marketed in the right way, it can definitely bring you wealth and prosperity. Know what mobile app marketing is with this quick guide and become a success story for the rest of the world:
1) Pre-Launch Factors: The planning to market the product should start with the idea to develop the app. Prodigious number of factors such as branding, keywords and competition are a must to be considered before launching the app. The right plan can be developed at the stage when the app is under development. Let us discuss in detail the factors to be considered:
a) Branding: No matter if your business is in the gaming sector or other financial sector, branding it is imperative. Branding should be the part of the initial steps of developing the application. Pay considerable attention to the name of the business, type of app and the icon you’ll be using to represent yourself in the market. Brand is the face of your app and the users will perceive you as per your brand. Create an Identity.
b) Keywords: Another most important factor is the keyword which is going to assist you in App Store Optimization. If you wish to be found by others , you need to have fixed keywords and use them in the content of the app, especially in the description. You can hire an expert who can guide you better on the usage of the keywords.
c) Know your Competition: Knowing about the big players of your niche is a must to succeed. Learn about your main competitors whole you search for the keywords. Also check their ranking in the market which will be helpful for you to calculate the risk. Choose a relevant category of the marketing plan based on your competition.


2) Post- Launch Factors: Marketing after the launch of the app is a must. Connect the app to the apps store analytics program and keep a constant look at the progress of your app. Know the behaviour of the user after downloading the app and act accordingly.
a) Reviews: In order to increase your brand awareness, keep asking for the customers to review your app. You can also use app to app review sites to let the potential users know about your app and consider downloading it. Positive reviews build trust in the readers and convert them into users.

b) Run Campaigns: A perfect technique to rise in the list of apps in your niche is to run paid ad campaigns, which is definitely going to drive rapid downloads of the app. If people love your app, they will definitely rate you and eventually become your lead to the upcoming users.

Marketing an app is much difficult than creating it, as marketing is a constant process and does not stop. It requires an approach which is multi-faceted and includes ample of prudence. You can surely make your app a massive success with a lot a hardwork and a little luck.


  • Mobile APP Marketing (n.d.).
  • Marketing Your Mobile APP (n.d.).
  • Mobile APP Marketing Strategy.

Author: admin

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